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child safety resources

The SMJFL is committed to promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people who participate in AFL Football at any level through activities, programs, services and /or use of facilities by fostering a culture where children and young people feel safe and welcome. Everyone who plays Australian Football has the right to Be Safe, Feel Safe, Play Safe.

  • Victorian Child Safe Standards - All organisations in Victoria who provide services or facilities for children, including sporting organisations like the SMJFL, are required to comply with Child Safe Standards to ensure that the safety of children is promoted, child abuse is prevented, and allegations of child abuse are properly responded to.

  • The Child Safe Standards are minimum compulsory standards for all organisations that interact with children and young people. The Standards aim to prevent abuse through cultural change and creating positive environments where children feel safe to speak up about issues that affect them.


This section of the SMJFL website continues to evolve – if you have any questions please contact:


Liam Hollingsworth

SMJFL Clubs & Community Lead


Safeguarding Children and Young People - Resources

The AFL has a number of excellent Child Safety Resources which can be accessed here.

Other Resources

Club Documents

Child Safety Officer Position Description – A basic position description for the CSO role. Can be adapted as needed.

Club Child Safe Policy Template – A template to guide your club as it develops its own Child Safe Policy

Club Code of Conduct Template – A template to guide your club as it develops its own Child Safety Code of Conduct

Incident Reporting Info Sheet – Your Right to Enjoy Footy – An information sheet designed for those under 18 to make them aware of their rights and the importance of speaking up when uncomfortable or unhappy. Can be adapted, and is recommended to be on display in the club, somewhere visible to players.

Child Protection Training – A link to the Australian Sports Commission’s online training platform. The Child Protection Training module on the 2nd page of Learning Resources is a required module for CSO’s, and recommended for anyone else interested in understanding the issue of Child Safety further.

Case Studies 1 3 – Downloadable PDF’s of the Case Studies in the Child Protection Training module.

Child Safe Standards Self-audit Tool – Another useful auditing tool.


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